How To Keep Writing While Travelling

28th July 2023
4 min read
28th July 2023

Travel has long been a creative inspiration for writers, but is it possible to keep a writing routine while you're exploring a new part of the world?

Palak Tewary

While travelling can be a truly transformative and exhilarating experience for writers, is it possible to maintain a writing routine? I’ve found the following tips helpful in keeping up with my writing practice.

  • Set realistic goals. I take my itinerary, work out what available time I would have and what my energy levels would be like and set a commitment to write daily for the pre-set time. It could even be a daily word count, a number of pages or a certain duration. Achievable goals mean that I don’t set myself up for being overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations of myself.
  • Invest in a portable travelling kit. Mine includes simply a small notebook, a pen and my phone. I carry these with me where I go. Depending on what you prefer, this could include a tablet, an iPad, a laptop or compact journal. In addition, I bring along any maps, guides, research material, etc. that may assist me. Having this kit means I’m always ready to capture my thoughts when inspiration strikes.
  • Always take notes. Travelling is a joy. I find myself capturing reflections from the place I am at and letting the words flow freely. Each day, I’m writing about experiences, observations, people met, surprises encountered and flavours tasted. Capturing the essence of a place means I’m building a reservoir of ideas for the future, as well as keeping my writing practice going.
  • Embrace technology. I use my phone’s ‘Notes’ app to jot down my thoughts and there are now note-taking applications as well as cloud-based platforms. Tools such as detachable keyboards can be used to jot down ideas and organise our writing. Also, the voice-to-text feature is useful for hands-free writing while on the move. PS: Always carry a portable charger to ensure all the devices remain powered up.
  • Take photos. This might seem odd, but photography has been my writing’s best friend. By capturing amazing encounters and serving as visual prompts for my words, photographs help me to recall vivid details, emotions and experiences. So, take pictures when you travel; as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words, creating a truly immersive writing experience.
  • Use downtime to your advantage. Taking flights or trains are all part of travelling. These moments can either be dedicated to writing or reading. Writers should also be readers, so I always carry books or e-books and use these pockets of time to inspire my creativity.
  • Take in local ambience. Cafes, libraries, parks, beaches, mountains or street benches can breathe new life into the words we write. These unique spaces can help find new focus.
  • Aim for regularity. Consistency is key, so find a time and place where you can regularly write undisturbed. I set a similar time of the day – either at the end of the day or at the beginning – to do a writing-related task.
  • Joining a writing group. An online or social media group can help provide both support and accountability. Sometimes I participate in writing challenges or prompts designed for travellers. These stimulate the imagination and encourage regular writing in unfamiliar surroundings.
  • Experiment. Travel also allows me to experiment with different styles, especially within poetry. As I’m having a new experience each day, I feel this adds to that, allowing me to step out of my comfort zone.
  • Be pragmatic, and be kind to yourself. Finally, remember travelling requires adaptability. Embrace unexpected changes and be flexible. Be kind to yourself if you cannot follow your agenda and allow yourself the freedom to explore and soak up experiences and let them enrich your writing when you have a chance to put pen to paper.

Writing is a creative outlet, and the new experiences and fresh perspectives that come from travelling should enhance and not hinder it. So, pack your bags, and let your writing flourish on the road!

Connect with Palak Tewary on or through Twitter & Instagram: @palaktewary

This post was originally published through Write On! magazine on

Writing stage
