How To Use

When you purchase one of W&A’s one-year Listings subscriptions, you will gain access to a database of thousands of publishing industry contacts from the latest editions of our Yearbooks, plus a host of online-only entries, all vetted and updated by our team of Yearbook editors. Whether you’re writing and beginning to search for Literary agents, wanting to find out more about UK Publishers or looking to reach out to someone about the prospect of Self-Publishing, your subscription means you can access the information and contact details you need with just a couple of clicks.

Read the information below for tips on how to search, filter and sort to narrow in on the exact search results you are looking for, and also on how you can further personalise this subscription-only area of the site to make it work in a way that best suits you.

  • Search across the entire database by name, location, and/or keyword e.g. 'horror'.

  • Click ‘Just browsing’ to see the full list of categories available within each of our subscriptions, while details of what each subscription includes can be found by clicking on Subscription Types.

  • When you run a search or apply a filter, the search results pages now display the number of results at the top of the list (e.g. Page 1 of 197 results, as in the image below).

Listings - search results display
  • Annotate entries by using the ‘My Notes’ feature. Did you note down the date you submitted to that agent or entered that competition? What was the name of the person you met from that publisher? Access your notes to self by going to the ‘My Profile’ tab within your W&A Dashboard.

  • Sort entries alphabetically or by relevance. Entries are sorted alphabetically by default, but when you have run a search (rather than simply applying a filter), sorting by relevance uses the contents of the entry to determine how relevant each entry is to the search terms you’ve entered, and sorts the entries accordingly. This sorting option can be found on the right-hand side of the page along with…

  • … if you are a WAYB+ subscriber, the number of entries that appear within each yearbook (CWAYB or WAYB). This display and the related filter will help you more easily identify and narrow in on entries which relate to children’s writing, as opposed to more general entries.

Listings - filter by subscription
  • Filter entries via our useful lists, making it easier to browse within categories of interest, from literary agencies to Societies, prizes and festivalsClick on the up/down arrows to open/close the list of available filters as required, before pressing ‘Apply’. Filters can either be removed individually (by clicking on the cross next to the individual filter) or across the board (by clicking the ‘Clear all’ button).

Listings - applying and clearing filters
  • As you’ll see from the image above, it’s now possible to filter by a specific genre, e.g. ‘Fiction > Historical’ or ‘Non-fiction > Travel’. This obviously applies most to Publishers and Literary agencies. (Note: If you tick the top-level ‘Fiction’ and then press ‘Apply’, it will bring up entries with ALL fiction genres: you can then either press ‘Clear all’ to cancel all these filters or clock on the cross next to each individual filter to remove them. Ditto if you tick the top-level ‘Non-fiction’ box and then press ‘Apply’.)

  • It’s now also possible to filter by entry type and by sub-category across the whole Listings database. For example, this means you can focus in on ‘Regional newspapers UK and Ireland’ in Scotland, or ‘Literary agencies overseas’ in the USA, or specifically on ‘Major regional libraries’. (Note: if you are filtering by a sub-category, e.g. ‘Literary agencies UK and Ireland’, there is no need to tick the top-level ‘Literary agencies’ box. Just tick the category/sub-category you actually want to review and press ’Apply’.)

  • Bookmark favourite entries. Whether you're making a list of literary agents to target or researching publishers to send job applications to, our ‘Bookmark’ feature makes it easy to return to pages by saving them all within the 'My Profile' area of your W&A Dashboard.

Do let us know by email ( if anything’s unclear, or if you have any suggestions for further improvements.