Stage 3


You have completed your manuscript and believe it to be ready for final checks ahead of sending to literary agents, publishers with an open submission door, or to be self-published. Our Final Polish service assigns an experienced editor to the task of copy-editing your manuscript, with both a changes-tracked and changes-made versions returned to you for consideration.

Meanwhile, if you have a finished manuscript and feel ready to begin submitting to literary agents, our Beat the Rejection consultations  provide an invaluable opportunity to receive an honest appraisal of your work from a literary agent, who will also offer guidance on the submission process as a whole.

Beat the Rejection Consultation
Our 'Beat the Rejection' consultation offers the unique opportunity of a 30-minute consultation with a literary agent to discuss the opening of your manuscript and accompanying submission documents.
Final Polish
Our Final Polish editing service has been devised for writers wanting to ensure their manuscript is as good as it can possibly be before looking to approach literary agents or self-publish.